“IT’S A HIT” 1,100+ People Attend Screening Of “FunkJazz Kafé: Diary Of A Decade”


What an evening! It felt like a miniature FunkJazz Kafé festival. Many thanks to all who attended. 1,100 plus people for two screenings is a lot for a movie premiere. Thanks to the National Black Arts Festival and our panelists, Stic Man (Dead Prez), Joi Gilliam, Professor Griff (Public Enemy), Lil’ John Roberts (The Chronicle), Anthony David, Ron Williams (FJK), Craig Love (Producer, Soul Of Earth), Jason Orr and moderator, DJ Jamal Ahmad (WCLK). We’d also like to thank Ahsa Ahla (percussionist), CC Sunchild (grand piano), DJ Salah Ananse, Saniyah Griffith at Carol’s Daughter, Aaliyah Duncan (ALIST) and all of you who attended, you were a part of something truly special.

Check out the video Rolling Out magazine did covering the event:



There are no dates scheduled for the next screening of “FunkJazz Kafé: Diary Of A Decade” but send your email address/contact info to funkjazzkafe@gmail.com and we’ll send you a notice when we do.

Here are some photos and videos from the evening. Click on the photos to enlarge them.



And here’s what Creative Loafing had to say after seeing the event. CLICK HERE


More video from the lobby shot by a fan: